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*OuR jOuRneY cOnTiNues... TiLl tHe DaY evEryThiNg EnDs...*
Their Stories

*Jian Han & Pei Kee*
*attached on 04.03.09*

~Him, her little laogong ♂~
*Soo Jian Han*
*sweet 19 from 05.04.90*
*loves bball and initial D*
*specially attached to her <3*

~Her, his little laopo ♀~
*Chan Pei Kee*
*sweet 19 from 08.12.90*
*loves er hu and badminton*
*specially attached to him <3*

~We, our little loves~
*sleeping!* XD
*gai gai*
**promise to hold our hands tight till the day everything ends**
**promise to walk down our path till the day we are old**

* It's OuR pRoMiSe! * =)

Their Linkies

*Pei Kuan*
*Lay Khean*

Their Taggies

Their Memories

April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
July 2009♥
September 2009♥

Their applause

Layout: Nicole
Codes: Damien and TCC
Images: Tang Guo Wu & Amelia
Materials: Lovelycore
Inspirations: Agnes & Fang Min
Hosts: Photobucket(?) & BlogSkins(?)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
6 months

To date, we've been tgt for 6 months and 11 days! How time flies~ But we're still loving each other just like the way we are, and more fond of each other as time goes by. It's a sweet feeling ya? At least my laogong is the best, dote on me and care for me alot too. ^^ Hehez... Just love the way we are now, since I'm not working, can get to meet him almost everyday. The year 2009 going to end soon, another 3 months plus we'll need to welcome the fresh new year.

Was thinking if my laogong go army how? Like it's going to come any moment, coz after his poly he have to wait for the letter to come. Awww~ By then, I guess our bonds are very strong le ya? And if anyone ask me will I wait for him after his NS? I'm sure to reply I'm willing to wait for him to serve his NS. Perhaps that's what I called love, love simply makes people do anything without return.

Now it's his hols, but can't go far place coz his ez-link no money, plus his mum didn't give him pocket money also. Oh well~ I don't mind at all. Hehez... As long as I can meet him, go anywhere also can ya? Muacks laogong!

~As long as we stay strong, nothing will separate us~ n.n

their sweet journey was written on 11:42 AM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

118 days since the day our journey started, which means 3 months and 26 days we have been tgt. Fast ya? And this blog seems to be inactive for sometime, so I came here to update! But you're in your lala land now, didn't wait for me then fall asleep. Humph! >.<
This sat is our 4th month ever since the day our journey started. But then, sad to say I got work that day!!! Haiz... I know you're upset and unhappy, but then I will try to make up for it ya? Though we wouldn't be able to celebrate on the actual day, we still can celebrate as belated. Maybe the meaning is not there, but then nothing is going to change my love for u. Hehez...

Maybe we've been quarelling quite a number of times due to my work, but then I don't really mean it everytime. Forgive me will u my dear? Forgive me for the things I did that make you angry, upset and disappointed. I may not be a good laopo as it seems, may not be that understanding at all, sometimes didn't put myself in your shoes. But then, everything that I did, I didn't mean to hurt u at all, I didn't mean to upset u at all. Know you're disappointed in me sometimes, then I let u scold and talk to me to let out your frustration. At least you'll feel better the next day.

That's the only thing I can do for u at that moment of time, coz you're angry and I don't dare to say any more things to anger u again. I'm sorry for everything i did, I'm sorry to make u frustrated all the time. But there's a thing that I want u to know. No matter what I did, no matter what actions I do, I still love u deeply from the botton of my heart, still love u just like the way I love u always. Don't have any doubts on me will u my dear? Trust me that I will never let go of your hand will u my dear?

Coz that's our promise right from the 1st day we're tgt, that's our promise we will uphold for the rest of our life. Remember that my dear? So no matter what, this will not change the promise we made, we made a pact le ya? I love u my dear! Will hold on to your hands no matter what, and don't try to shake your hands away, coz I will not let u do that. Heh heh... >.<

* 已经习惯你的双手, 就不会放开了. 我们的约定会一直延伸下去. 我爱你!!! * n.n


their sweet journey was written on 12:41 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009
sad, u r in malaysia and i am in singapore

missing someone is indeed a very pain process...my lao po go malaysia, as ur lao gong, i stay in singapore doing nothing, the process is so sad man, waiting for you to come back, hais...

can we like merge singapore and malaysia together so that lao po can visit her relative and also i can also visit my relative and in addition we do not need to separate from each other???

lao po, waiting for u to come back wor...sobx sobx

their sweet journey was written on 6:58 PM

Thursday, June 4, 2009
3rd month

Awww~ It's our 3rd month anniversary! Time really flies so fast, and the day when we are together is still freshly in my mind. Everything just seems like a few days ago, and I believe our sweet journey will still continue ya?

Laogong~ Know that we have a little dispute nowadays and we quarrel quite sometime. But then, it's also a way of communication between us. Which couple don't quarrel ya? If couple don't quarrel, then they will not get to know what each other think. Sometimes it's quite a faster way to know what each other is thinking, but cannot quarrel often, not good. =)

3 month past, and our love for each other is growing and blooming. Though we have less time for each other, at least we can still see each other during the weekdays. Though we really miss each other alot when we didn't meet up, at least we still have each other in our hearts ya? That's what we will be, that's what we have to go through.

In our life, it's really hard to find the one. The some one that is willing to care for u, willing to do anything for u. The one that is willing to do anything just to draw a little smile on your face, and will try every ways to cheer u up and make u happy. The one that loves u from the bottom of the heart, and u really want to spend the rest of your life with. Fortunately, I found my some one, found my one that I want to live on with. That's him, and it will forever be him. ^^

3 months le, and I know we still have more months to go, more years to go too. Our story never end, for it will keep on going and keep on continuing. Nothing is going to change it, and we are the ones that will keep our story to go on, till the very end of the day.

Laogong~ I love you! n.n
their sweet journey was written on 1:09 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
our 2 month!

Time flies as the day goes by, it's already our 2 month anniversary on monday. ^^ Really feel that my life is really a joy with you, enjoyed and enjoying every little moments we have. Though we may spend less time with each other, our love never fades ya? Till the last day we spend with each other, it will still remain the same.

Laogong~ Though the time when we meet is very little, as long as can be together with u, nothing matters. Even if it's just walk walk at cwp, I still spend my time with u. Be with u can be the most happiest time I ever had in a day. My 傻laogong will always try your ways to cheer me up ya? Each time I feel sad, I know I'm not alone coz there's still one silly guy that will try your ways to draw a little smile on my face. =)

I know I'm not that a very good girl, not that perfect as I should be, plus a little willful and naughty sometimes. XD But for all this while, there's one thing it wouldn't change for life, that's my love and feeling for u. It will increase but never fade, it will add on but never reduce. That's how it will be till the end of the day, till the last breadth we hold.

We shall hold our hands and walk down the path together. When one trips and falls, another will try to hold on tight to the hands and help another up ya? That's how it should be when there's obstacles in front of one. Don't be afraid to cross the obstacles, for one will always be by another side till the end of the road, till the obstacles are being removed by another.

That's how our story will be, that's how our story will continue. We still have many more months to go, and many years to go on too. But for one thing for sure, we will hold on tight to each other's hand till our story continues in every chapters.

their sweet journey was written on 12:54 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2009
2 months

lao po orh, have u get ready our second month gift???
haha...waiting for ur second month de gift wor...
lao gong sure will give u de orh...

p.s: time flies, my love for u didnt fly, my love for u is increasing everyday as time goes by


their sweet journey was written on 1:54 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
for my one and only dearest silly lao po

lao po, just to tell u that no matter how busy i am, i will still make up time for u de, no matter wat happened, i will never let go ur hand de, i am going to hold ur hand till my last breadth, trust me, caused i love u lots!

p.s: lao gong love lao po!!!

their sweet journey was written on 11:56 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Our story...

04.03.09 was the day our sweet journey started. Once it started, it will never ever end. It will continue on and on, till the world stops spinning, till the day everything ends. That's what our promise is, short and sweet.

When we started, it really did shock many ya? Everyone was asking sure or not? I know it was quite a sudden change, but then, we really found the one that can be by each other's side and accompany each other throughout in the next episode of our life. Nobody could ever believe the strong bonds we have, and it was indeed fate that brought us together.

The first time we met, it's a not so surprising place, at the arcade. Then, he wanted my number and that's how we know each other. As time goes by, our sweet story started. It's really surprising for me that we can go on further, and till now, the strong bonds inside us will never fade.

That's our little story, and it will keep on updating and updating... Every little moments we have is a cherish for us, as we are both busy nowadays. But that doesn't stop us from continuing our story, coz I know we will hang on till the end...

their sweet journey was written on 2:10 AM